Litigation Support

Litigation is generally not a choice for any organization. It can be expensive in terms of money and senior management time. With litigation comes a risk of reputation damage and unwelcome press attention.

STT Risk Management work with clients to ensure they are prepared to the best possible standard for any legality in a court room. Specific services include the following:

  • Major risks identified and categorized
  • Examination of each case for evidentiary facts
  • Discovery documents analyzed
  • Facts not in evidence investigated and assessed
  • Depositions evaluated
  • Testimony provided by experts in depositions
  • Court attendance

Preparation is key, as is full possession of all facts pertaining to a case.  STT Risk Management will liaise with legal representatives to ensure all angles are covered in litigation.

For more information on our services contact us on or call us in confidence on 01 403 2001.